Chris has been working on getting audio frequency response working on the 8Cube:

Lots has happened since the last post, so long ago. Foremost: Chris and I have quit our day jobs to make a go with Hypnocube full time(!) What started as a simple project build on a lark, and morphed into a small after-hours operation, growing organically, is now finally our full time job. We’re now renting an office at the very awesome MakerWorks, which also gives us access to all sorts of neat tools. Living the dream, baby! We’ll see how far we can take it.

Of course there’s lots of work ahead – not least of which is to scale our operations to where it can support us long-term.  To that end we’re working on broadening both our product range and our sales outlets. We’ve got a number of new products planned that should be pretty cool, and now that we can devote all of our time to Hypnocube, shouldn’t take years to bring to market (8Cube? What? I have no idea what you’re insinuating, Sir.)

Along those lines, we’ve put a retail version of the 8Square (re-branded HypnoSquare) into production, and have been working on wrapping up the 8Cube to get that particular monkey off our back. More details on both those projects very soon.




We received the new 4Cube boards from the fab house today. The new version isn’t dramatically different than the old, but will feature USB connectivity to the PC to allow hackers & artists to control the cube without having to deal with low level microcontroller programming. It will also feature some basic controls on the cube itself to navigate visualizations (pause, forward, back, etc.) Should be available sometime next week.

The final 8Square boards have been sent to the fabbers recently as well, and they should be arriving in a few weeks. Expect kits to be available in about 4-5 weeks.

The 8Cube has been on the back burner a bit while we wrap up the new 4Cube and 8Square, but with the recent soldering juju (posted below) we should have a fully operational RGB battlestation 8x8x8 cube, at least insofar as the the electronics is concerned. Hopefully Chris will get it dancing soon.

It ain’t pretty, but it’s progress.

Gumstix adapter closeup

Gumstix adapter

(Incidentally, this is a module to mate the gumstix to the 8Cube controller. It’s basically a big breakout board.)